Luckily our train out to Venice left quite early in the morning, and we arrived at Venice's Santa Lucia station late morning. We immediately headed to the tourist booth to purchase our Venice Unica and Rolling Venice cards. The young lady who served us didn't seem happy in the slightest that I knew about the young adult Venice Unica and Rolling Venice deal, which we got for €28 each. The card gave us 3 days of free transport from the time of first use (and allowed us to take a suitcase on each, when normally suitcases are counted as a second person), 24 hours free wifi and discounts to various galleries, museums and other tourist attractions. Normal prices for the Venice Unica if you are not in the young adult or child bracket were alot more expensive at around €30 for only 2 days of public transport and no other benefits. One ticket on the ferry system was really overpriced at €7.50 per person, one way,so the Unica and Rolling Venice combination made financial sense to us.
After leaving the ticket office, we mapped out a route with our free wifi and hauled our bags through the crowded main street and over foot bridges for a good kilometre and a half. We found our hotel easily as it was just off the main street, which ran all the way from the train station.
From the moment we stepped into our Hotel, Palazzo Abadessa felt like home. When we left three days later, I missed the hotel. The staff were very friendly and welcoming, and our room was just spectacular. One of the reasons we had chosen to travel in low season was because our budget stretched to places that in summer, we couldn't dream of affording.
After our delicious afternoon tea, we had a simple dinner at a restaurant only a street or two from our hotel.
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